Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Pura Vida

A very early morning flight landed us in Costa Rica pulling out of the rental car parking lot at noon. Winding roads took us to Arenal and a fancy hotel the Tabacon. Dinner at a tourist hot spot (we didn’t know) and a drink that made Sarah’s eyes open wide! Went to the beautiful hot springs and called it a night.
Rio Celeste was a goal for the day, located in an unused park with no signs…GPS is great but the routing program seems to be flawed…. We turned around at a water crossing, fast moving water and large rocks did not seem to be an option without a second truck or winch.

Beautiful views on rough road while retracing our steps.

Two more detours on terrible roads and finally we found our way. Stopped at a neat little place for lunch.

No guide for us, the trail was straightforward, plus we had GPS and with GPS you can’t get lost……

The water is colored by volcanic silt, it is very blue!

Monkeys in the trees high above us!

One the way back to the hotel we were suprised with a flat tire. After hearing the stories of tourists being robbed after getting their tires slashed (not our case) I changed that tire with the efficiency of an F1 pit crew. Right before this picture 5 guys walked around the my heart sank, they offered help and Sarah replied that I was her mechanic and we were just fine.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Proud Parenting Moment

First Step? First word? Sending the little one off to (puppy) kindergarten? Nope. Our proud parenting moment was when the little guy mastered the trick of retrieving a beer out of the frigde. "Isn't that risky?" you might be thinking. "Doesn't he browse while he's in there?" Well, so far so good...but I'm sure it's a matter of time. I would just say that you should be careful opening that beer right away - its trip isn't the smoothest and Radar won't be held responsible for too much foam. Check out his skills in via the link below:

Friday, April 22, 2011

Live-in Help

Since Radar easily mastered "sit", "stay" and "shake", Jonathan has moved on to more advanced puppy training - we're working up to "get me a beer out of the fridge" far we have the fridge part down...

He is also helpful with our landscaping endeavors...
Next, we are hoping to teach him how to iron and do dishes.

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Mr. Radar loves the Frisbee...don't even say the word unless you are serious!